Saturday, August 6, 2011

Day 157 of 365

I'm ready.

More accurately, my office is ready. Today I spent another full day getting my office ready. My daughter and I already spent a full day there this week, moving furniture and books of boxes. Since I have a new position, it requires new boxes of books/binders/materials. So to make room for those new books/binders/materials, I had to get all the old boxes of books/binders/materials out. And since my previous position is going unfilled, those old things were distributed all over the building. (Again, thank goodness for my young, fit daughter!)

With all that distributing, all that book/binder/materials switcheroo, we ran out of time to actually put all the new things away. My office looked like it was ransacked, so I had to spend some time on my own getting things in order.

And it is. It took more moving and shuffling of boxes of books/binders/materials than I had planned. And again, I am pooped.

Not too pooped to get some sewing in. Since my turtles are done, I started a new kids' quilt for charity. A little while back I got some pre-cut squares. A little while back I also learned a new pattern/technique called Disappearing Nine Patch.

I still need to add a row at the bottom to give it some length. Also, the black seems to overwhelm the quilt, so I think I'll add a bright border to temper it. A true work in progress.